Can you use an app to contact spirits?

Can you use an app to contact spirits?

May 15, 2021 Mediumship Our Blog 0

Apps such as Ouija Boards and Spirit Messenger are designed to invite spirits into your life. However, if you’re looking for information or advice from someone who’s passed on, it’s unlikely that they’ll get in touch with you through your mobile device.That doesn’t mean that these apps don’t provide any benefit though; they may be used to create a spiritual communication with someone close to our heart (via video recording) and send them good vibes. Since the spirit world is beyond our understanding, we may never know exactly why an app allows us to feel closer to someone who’s passed on. However, if you feel that using an app to contact a loved one can provide you with peace of mind, then go ahead and try it. Who knows? Something (or someone) may be there when you least expect it!

Not sure which app to use? Try Spirit Messenger by GetYourGuide. It’s available for both iOS and Android operating systems. Spirit messenger allows you to send video greetings or short messages. If you’re looking to say, “I miss you,” or “I love you,” or even a simple good morning message, Spirit Messenger gives you options to choose from.

Online psychic readings are another option; they allow the user to connect with others that have also passed on – some of which may be familiar to us from our life before death and others of which may be unknown and experienced through video chat. Ever since their inception online psychic readings have been a huge hit with the public – especially those seeking advice on relationships, finance, health-related issues and general life advice.