Are Shadow People Real?

Are Shadow People Real?

May 13, 2021 Ghostly Experiences Our Blog 0
Are Shadow People Real?

We wake up in the morning to see a dark shape under our bed, we walk down the hall and see a shadow dart past, or peer outside at night to find an unknown person staring back at us. In today’s world it is very easy to dismiss the paranormal. We brush it off as something illogical, or unreal. However the Paranormal is very real and Shadow People are a perfect example of this.

The term ‘Shadow Person’ was coined in the late 1990’s by MAJ Andrews who wrote an article in support of the phenomena. He detailed his personal experiences with them and referred to them as Shadow People throughout his writing. The Shadow People are described as dark or black figures that have a human-like shape. They are often seen in dimly lit areas and are mostly reported in peoples bedrooms and hallways. Many of the people who encounter this phenomena do so during the twilight hours of early morning and late night. There has been many reports of Shadow People appearing outside windows, peering into homes and staring at people through the glass. The Shadow People are also often seen to be peering in at their victims through windows, or even following them down the street.

Shadow People are often described as being from 4 to 6 feet tall and having no discernible face. They have long muscular arms and legs with a head that is oval shaped and is sometimes not very defined. These figures have been known to move quickly and on rare occasions will jump across rooms or through closed windows. Shadow People are often seen wearing dark clothing such as long trench coats or all black clothing.

The Shadow People are often spotted multiple times by different witnesses, which has led some to believe that they may be two different entities sharing the same body. This theory is also backed up by the fact that these figures seem to have an awareness of their surroundings and are able to move at a fast pace. Many people who encounter these creatures believe that they are either ghostly spirits or demons from other realms. Some describe them as having a black hat on. Others see them morph into the form of a man from smoke or particles. Others believe that Shadow People are just part of our everyday surroundings… like shadows.

Whatever the reason behind their appearance, one thing is for sure, the Shadow People are anything but friendly and can be encountered in many different locations throughout the world. They are very intimidating figures that some people have come to believe may be demonic entities. The sheer number of sightings lead us to believe that Shadow people are indeed a paranormal phenomenon. Have you seen one?