Category: Ghost Hunting Equipment

Are mirrors portals for ghosts?

For many people, the idea of supernatural forces existing in our world is an intriguing thought. A classic tool used by ghost hunters to detect spirits is a mirror. But why? What makes mirrors particularly effective for ghost hunting? Let’s take a closer look at this fascinating topic. What Are Mirrors and How Do They…
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January 13, 2023 0

Can Mirrors be used as Portals to the Spirit World?

We have all seen movies where somebody steps through a looking glass or enters a mirror to enter another world. The notion of using mirrors as portals has a long history in mythology, folklore, and pop culture. But where did this idea come from? Can any mirror be used as a portal? Let’s explore the…
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November 9, 2022 0

Geoport Technology for Ghost Hunting

Have you ever wanted to communicate with the dead? Well, now there’s a tool that can help you do just that! Geoports are devices that use electromagnetic waves to connect with spirits. By connecting to a geoport, ghost hunters can communicate with the dead and ask them questions. But how does it work? Let’s take…
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November 6, 2022 0
Sage smudge sticks for cleansing the home

How to Use Sage To Cleanse A Home

Before you can do anything, you need to have a basic understanding of what sage is and how it can help remove unwanted entities from your home. Sage is a herb that is dried and burnt to release the smoke, which has been used for centuries in spiritual rituals. It also happens to be one…
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May 29, 2021 0
Who invented the ouija board

Who invented the Ouija Board?

There is not one specific inventor of the Ouija board. There are 4 people who all played a role in its invention, according to History Channel. The four people are: Elijah Bond, Charles Kennard, William H. A. Maupin, and Parker Brothers (Elias Smith Jr.). Elijah Bond was the first to patent a design for a…
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May 8, 2021 0

What is the Poltergeist energy frequency called?

According to Poltergeistcology, the frequency that poltergeists appear and communicate in is called the “Poltergeist Frequency”. The frequency is noted in the research as being one of two frequencies: 800Hz and 1000Hz. While there are many different beliefs about why these frequencies exist, scientists have noted that it is likely a result of human brains…
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May 6, 2021 0
How to become a ghost hunter

How To Become A Paranormal Investigator

We often get asked “how can I become a ghost hunter?”. In this article we cover the best way to become a paranormal investigator. Learn as much as you can about ghost hunting The world of the paranormal can be a little intimidating to anyone looking to start researching it.  The best thing you can…
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February 1, 2018 0

What Ghost Hunting Equipment Do TAPS Use?

One of the original ghost hunting TV shows that I know everyone here at the Paranormal Academy love was Ghost Hunters.  It featured TAPS, the Trans Atlantic Paranormal Society.  Over the years their ghost hunting equipment has improved and changed, but in this article we cover the paranormal investigation equipment most commonly used by the…
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January 18, 2018 0
How does a ouija board work

How does a Ouija board work?

A Ouija board is a tool used to communicate with spirits of the dead. It can also be used to communicate with demons and other negative entities and for this reason, a Ouija board should be considered dangerous. The writing on the Ouija board consists of four words, 26 letters and 10 numbers. It has…
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January 17, 2018 0
Is a Ouija Board Dangerous

Is a Ouija board dangerous?

A Ouija board, in the wrong or inexperienced hands can be very dangerous. During a Ouija board session, you are essentially inviting unknown spirits to communicate with you. You don’t know if these spirits are good or bad, or even if they are human. You need to think of a Ouija board as an internet…
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January 16, 2018 0