Roswell and UFOs

Roswell and UFOs

May 7, 2021 Our Blog UFOs 0
Roswell UFO newspaper release

Roswell is a small city in New Mexico, not the capital of North America. It was also the site of one of the most famous events in UFO history: the alleged crash landing of an extraterrestrial spacecraft on July 2, 1947.

Starting that night and continuing for several days thereafter, locals reported seeing unusual lights in the sky and strange debris on the ground including what appeared to be a metal framework that may have been part of a small craft. All this led to nationwide media attention and eventually to local authorities sending charges against an elderly woman named Mrs. Berle Lewis for reporting false information – but she was set free by order from General Roger M. Ramey who was in charge of the Roswell Army Air Field.

Events unfolded quickly after that, and it is now believed the rumours that swirled around that time were actually a cover-up to what was really happening.

The military’s decision to keep silent about the crash has led to a lot of theories, but there is no question it happened as most of us know today. A group called ‘Roswell And Fire Chief Bill McQuade’ have investigated this all too well and have now written a book about it called “Roswell Crash: At The Heart Of The 1947 U.S. Government Cover Up”. The spacecraft in this book is a type of ‘Greer 11’ which are vehicles that apparently have been put into use by the US military for some time now. This book was written to educate readers about what really happened, not to support a particular version. The motive behind it all was to make you think hard about what you were watching unfold around us that same year.

In 1947 this was at the height of UFO hysteria, with reports coming out of all over that people were either claiming they had seen flying saucers or even been abducted by them. People were even reporting that they had been taken to one of these craft and an interrogation took place in a room with body samples being taken from them. There are many people who can testify to having been at the center of this event.

In his book, Bill McQuade discusses shocking events that occurred around him while living in Roswell on July 12, 1947. He also gives details about the view he had of a small craft crashing near his home that night followed by soldiers going out into the desert – with him among them – in search of the chamber of a small UFO-type craft.

The book is accompanied by documents such as letters from his commanding officer, Colonel William H. Blanchard, and an affidavit by General Roger M. Ramey about the Roswell affair that had been concealed by the government until 1995 when it was finally allowed to be released. It is also some of the finest UFO evidence ever assembled and this includes:

* The testimony of debris witnesses. – An eyewitness to a little UFO-like craft that had crashed on the Foster ranch south of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
* photographs with captions and analysis by photo experts Robert Morningstar and Don Schmitt. * Historical documents including letters from: Colonel William H Blanchard (Colonel Smith in the book) – his commanding officer at Roswell Army Air Field, General George Schulgen who was head of AAF’s Intelligence Division, General Hoyt Vandenberg – the second highest ranking officer in the US Air Force after General Carl Spaatz, Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey – the commanding general of the 8th Army Air Force which was based at Roswell during the summer of 1947. Also included are: The original Ramey memo, UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico – a reconstruction in narrative form by Donald Schmitt, and other fascinating material.
* An introduction by Stanton T. Friedman who is perhaps one of today’s most eminent authorities on UFOs and author of “Crash At Corona: The Definitive Study Of The Roswell Incident”.

Whether Roswell was a real alien encounter or a government plane crash, one thing is clear: many people that were in the Roswell area that night remember it very vividly and they all state it was a UFO.

I personally visited Roswell in 2008 to see what I could find out and was shocked at what I found. The town really does live up to its reputation of being UFO central, just as they say! Shows and reports have been covered on TV in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia as well. Roswell is a fascinating place with many different stories, much like any other small city, but for the UFO enthusiast, it has to go on your bucket list.