The Phantom Centurion
I had gone down to Essex, UK to visit my family and was staying in a caravan on one of the parks on Mersea Island. My family and I had been out for a meal and it was fairly late, around 11pm when I left the pub to return to the park. I hadn’t had anything to drink and I wasn’t tired as I had managed a nice long lie in that morning.
To get onto Mersea, you have to drive across a road which is bordered on either side by the sea. This road is flooded during high tide and is completely impassable twice a day. I was driving towards this road and was alone on the road. I was halfway across when something ahead caught my eye. Standing on the pavement to the left of the road was a Roman Centurion. He had a red cape around his neck, was wearing the full leather armour and had a hat on with a plume of red coming out the top. I slowed right down, thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, or perhaps it was someone in fancy dress but as I drew closer he faded into nothing.
I didn’t see him again throughout my holiday but when I told my parents, they told me that he is a frequent visitor to that stretch of road and the tale of the phantom Centurion is well known in the area. Next time, I am taking my camera!