Category: Ghostly Experiences

Ghost cat on stairs

Can animals become ghosts?

There are many tales of animal spirits haunting various locations and while they are not as common as human spirits, there are too many stories of encounters to ignore. The church next to the old site of Borley Rectory, allegedly the UK’s most haunted home at one point, is said to be haunted by the…
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December 12, 2017 0

The Phantom Centurion

I had gone down to Essex, UK to visit my family and was staying in a caravan on one of the parks on Mersea Island. My family and I had been out for a meal and it was fairly late, around 11pm when I left the pub to return to the park.  I hadn’t had…
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July 21, 2017 0

5 Signs you are living in a haunted house

Hearing strange noises at night? Want to know if your house is haunted? We are a team of paranormal experts who have been hunting ghosts and all things paranormal for over 25 years.  Here are the main five experiences you can expect if your house is haunted.   Phantom footsteps One of the most frequently…
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July 21, 2017 0

The Arm in the Wall

I was always into ghostly tales and haunted stories from a very young age.  Something about the excitement of the unknown and trying to solve the mystery of the afterlife kept me going back for more and more.  Until the age of 10, I had never had any paranormal experiences of my own, only read…
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July 21, 2017 0